Dr. Rey e sua numerologia

  Um grande ser humano com uma linda história de vida. Dr. Rey, conheça melhor Dr. Rey através da numerologia.
    ROBERTO MIGUEL (REY), Oct 1 1961

Life path number 1+1+8=10=1
Birthday 1
Karmic Debts 19
Expression number 7
Minor Expression number 3
Heart Desire number 7/16
Minor Heart Desire number 5
Personality number 9/27
Minor personality number 7
Maturity number 8
Rational Thought number 4/40
Karmic Lessons numbers 1, 8
Balance number 4/13
Hidden Passion number 9
Subconscious Confidence number 7
Age span periods for challenges and pinnacles 0-35-44-53-E
Challenge numbers: 0, 7, 7, 7
Pinnacle numbers: 2, 9, 2/11, 9
Life Path periods 1, 1, 8
Time span of Life Path periods 0-26,27-53,54-E
Life Path - Expression Bridge number 6
Heart's Desire - Personality Bridge number 2
Full name
6 5 6 9 3 5 =8/17+8/17=16=7
R O B E R T O M I G U E L =3/39+4/31=7
9 2 9 2 4 7 3 =22+5/14=27=9
Short name
5 =5=5
R E Y =3/21=3
9 7 =7/16=7
Planes of expression
Physical Mental Emotional Intuitive
Creative E2=1/10, 2 I1O2R2=3/39, 5
Dual B1T1=4, 2 U1=3, 1
Grounded G1L1=1/10, 2 M1=4, 1
Personal numbers calendar
Years 2016 (2) 2017 (3) 2018 (4) 2019 (5) 2020 (6) 2021 (7) 2022 (8) 2023 (9) 2024 (1) 2025 (2) 2026 (3) 2027 (4)
Months jul (9) ago (1) set (2) out (3) nov (4) dez (5) jan (3) fev (4) mar (5) abr (6) mai (7) jun (8)
Days 26 (8) 27 (9) 28 (1) 29 (2) 30 (3) 31 (4) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (5) 5 (6) 6 (7)
Essence and Transits Cycles
Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Physical R R R R R R R R R O O O O O O B B E E E E E R R R
Mental M M M M I I I I I I I I I G G G G G G G U U U E E
Spiritual M M M M I I I I I I I I I G G G G G G G U U U E E
17 17 17 17 27 27 27 27 27 24 24 24 24 20 20 16 16 19 19 19 11 11 15 19 19
Essence 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 6 6 2 2 16 16 19 19 19 11 11 6 19 19

Age 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
Physical R R R R R R T T O O O O O O R R R R R R R R R O O
Mental E E E L L L M M M M I I I I I I I I I G G G G G G
Spiritual E E E L L L M M M M I I I I I I I I I G G G G G G
19 19 19 15 15 15 10 10 14 14 24 24 24 24 27 27 27 27 27 23 23 23 23 20 20
Essence 19 19 19 6 6 6 1 1 5 5 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 9 5 5 5 5 2 2

Age 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
Physical O O O O B B E E E E E R R R R R R R R R T T O O O
Mental G U U U E E E E E L L L M M M M I I I I I I I I I
Spiritual G U U U E E E E E L L L M M M M I I I I I I I I I
20 12 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 11 11 15 17 17 17 17 27 27 27 27 20 20 24 24 24
Essence 2 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 11 11 6 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 2 2 6 6 6

Age 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
Physical O O O R R R R R R R R R O O O O O O B B E E E E E
Mental G G G G G G G U U U E E E E E L L L M M M M I I I
Spiritual G G G G G G G U U U E E E E E L L L M M M M I I I
20 20 20 23 23 23 23 15 15 15 19 19 16 16 16 12 12 12 10 10 13 13 23 23 23
Essence 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 19 19 16 16 16 3 3 3 1 1 4 4 5 5 5

Life Path Number 1+1+8=10=1

Your life-determining number is the most important characteristic of your numerological card. Whether you believe this or not, your life story began long before you came into this world. This story has led you to the state in which you are now. From now on, you are destined to continue your personal evolution, with all the constraints and opportunities with which a human being usually meets. All the peculiarities and milestones of this road, as unknown and frightening as they may be, are reflected in your life-determining number in one way or another.

If 1 is your life-determining number, then you are a natural-born leader. You are ready to protect your rights and opinions. You only rely on your own mind, not on those of others. You need space for your thoughts and your actions.
You have a large amount of strength, determination and you usually let nothing and nobody stand in your way of achieving your goals. You are able to take responsibility for security in your life. You always tend to be in the public limelight.
You are an exceptionally creative and original person. You are modeled on unorthodoxy. Even though you are always annoyed with your own failures, as well as with failures of others, you are brave enough to wander away from the well-beaten path and go your own way. Your method of problem-solving is unique and effective. You are always very concerned with your own life and you strive for success and satisfaction.
You usually do not notice your own selfishness and narcissism. I advise you to be vigilant about these personality traits, and also those of anger and aggressiveness - these can spoil your life.
You will cope with tasks much better if you rely on your strength of character and well-tested methods. It is ideal if a "number 1" person has a business related to construction or crafts. It is better for you to work for yourself than to work for a boss. Hold on to your ideals of life and work with full dedication.
High expectations, which are an integral part of your nature, can lead to stress. Pay attention to your diet by having an exercise routine and stick to it. Competitive sports are necessary for people with your temperament, and running and swimming are highly suggested.
To remain yourself, do not succumb to pride and vanity. Remember that many talents and opportunities were given to you, and this implies that you live your life with gratitude and humility rather than pride and conceit.
You can achieve very much in life if you pay attention to such features of your character as energy, creativity, originality, and your pioneering spirit. You have many varied abilities and talents, and you have a great potential for success. You can do well in business, military, or public service - in general, all activities in which you can lead and bend events to your will.

Birthday Number 1

The numbers in the date of your birth (your birthday) can provide a lot of information about who you are and in what areas your talents are. Your date of birth indicates some special abilities that you possess. The number of birth is one of the five core numbers of your numerological card.

You are a leader. You have big ambitions and a strong desire to succeed. You are independent and do not like the restrictions that are associated with teamwork. Routine quickly puts you in bad temper. You are a pioneer, player and an initiator. You are a creative person and have a sharp and quick mind.
You've got a broad outlook and an ability to inspire others. Endowed with great strength of will, you therefore have an opportunity to fulfill all your plans. You are normally open to the ideas of others, and your efforts will bring you reward and financial gain.

Expression Number 7

The number of expressions reflects your physical and mental constitution and the orientation of the goals in your life. Some believe that the expression number is your destiny number, because it reflects long-term goals to which you aspire. This number reflects the expression of your inner purpose and personality traits that should belong to you.
The expression number is derived from your full name given at birth, including middle name and surname. Specifically, it is the name recorded in your birth certificate. If at birth you were given several first names, use all these names to calculate the expression number. If you are adopted and have a name given to you by your non-biological parents, use the original name given to you before adoption (If you have one). If your name has a suffix like "junior", "the second", etc., always leave them off because they add nothing significant to your name.

You have an analytical mind and a boundless desire to seek solutions to the mysteries of life. Cultivate your interest in science, philosophy, and even mysticism. You possess clarity of thought and perseverance in the search for truth. You may become a scientist, educator or philosopher. You are motivated by the desire for knowledge and justice. You should learn to distinguish between the illusory world and reality as you are well-equipped to perform these tasks. Your sharp mind helps you to comprehend the mysteries of life. You are a source of true light. Sometimes you strive for an inner peaceful place where you can hide in difficult times. Interactions that are too intense make you feel highly stressed. You like a quiet, private life and need a place where you can get away from all the hustle and bustle. You are usually rather secretive due to your critical attitude and cynicism toward people. The more you remove yourself from other people, the more secretive your behavior is. If you manage to get a clear understanding of life, your advice and suggestions will be well-understood by those who need your wisdom.
Your love to learn is rather pedantic. It is better to complete your education in youth and not worry too much about success. Let everything happen by itself and remember that, in your case, achievements and awards come from a higher source.
To keep your sense of harmony alive, contemplation and meditation are necessary. These will guide you along the path of peace and equilibrium. You have good logic and your analytical mind allows you to solve problems easily. Researcher, analyst, inventor, laboratory technician, teacher, lawyer, banker, watchmaker, priest, philosopher, theologian, and administrator - this is a partial list of jobs suitable for you.

Heart Desire Number 7/16

The number of heart's desires (the number of spiritual aspiration) is one meaning of your name. Your inner nature and desires are closest to your heart. Your name reflects your internal motivation and the basic ideas behind your actions. It determines your choices in life and its influence extends to all areas, including career, environment, friends, and lifestyle.

You love to learn and you appreciate your talents since they give you an advantage in comprehending the mysteries of life. You want to know the reason behind all phenomena and you always look deeper at things, instead of paying attention to what's on the surface.
You have a natural gift of analyzing and researching. When you learn new facts, your ingenuity and abstract thinking will help you make sense of them. You have a philosophical approach to life. Since you possess a theoretical mind, you prefer to build your theories on scientific facts rather than on fantasy and fiction.
You like to think about intellectual and physical puzzles. People may consider you to be a cold or indifferent person. You are self-absorbed and can feel alienated and different from others. You are attracted by a loner lifestyle and the lifestyle of people who have devoted themselves to science or meditation, like monks. In your relationships, you are trying to apply a business approach. You prefer to discuss specific facts rather than abstract emotions and personal experiences. You don't trust your senses or the senses of others. Your inability to fully understand the emotional aspect of life is your Achilles heel. You are so rational that unpredictability and spontaneous "heart-driven" actions would frighten and surprise you. You need to share heartfelt feelings with someone else, though for you it is a dangerous step. Take the risk; it can bring enormous satisfaction and growth.
You must seek to make your relations with other people more open. Otherwise, you will marry only for convenience or to satisfy the expectations of others, and this will not save you from loneliness. The more you move away from people, the more risk there is to fall into complete isolation. If this happens, you will experience disappointment and acquire a cynical attitude towards life. This choice will lead to a crossroads in your life. Establishing relationships with others, which makes you feel threatened because you may have to make compromises and lose your independence, can show you that you possess a unique charm. These relationships can aid you in understanding life. You are a teacher and a counselor and you need to share your knowledge with others so they can benefit from it. 
This does not mean that you have to compromise solitude and contemplation for affection. These things are natural for you and necessary for your personal growth. These qualities shouldn't upset your partner and they should be seen as the foundation of your life.
You are endowed with a large reserve of intuition, which can be developed by means of regular meditation and contemplation. The inner voice is your best friend and guide.
You are an idealist and you give yourself high marks. Learn how to combine the gravity of your nature with regular rest.
Intelligence and subtlety make you charming and easily recognizable. With age, you are settling in with the peculiarities of your personality and people are attracted to you.


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